Out Now: Alchemy Hand
Piney Gir’s second EP of the trilogy is “Alchemy Hand”
“Like Carol King fronting The Beatles” - Loud Women
“Dynamic ambiance and sublime range, rich textures, ambitious landscapes & explosive emotional characteristics” - Circuit Sweet
“A wonderfully majestic indie-pop anthem is created” - Get In Her Ears
“Alchemy Hand” was released on Reckless Yes as the second of a trilogy of EPs and looks for the magic in nature and everyday life. Inspired by the Hand of Mysteries and the legend of wo/man’s ability to transform lead into gold and humans into gods. Combining these elements may not strictly manifest that legend, but the union of energies can create a stronger sense of togetherness, sparking a feeling of connection and hope… & who couldn’t use a bit more hope?
Astral Spectra - out now
Piney Gir’s first of a trilogy of themed EPs is “Astral Spectra”
“Transatlantic pop guru” - The Independent
“The indie Dolly Parton” - Culture Deluxe
“A wonderfully woozy dreamworld of spectral vocal harmonies, wonky guitars and shadowy cello” - Joyzine
“Astral Spectra” was released on Reckless Yes as the first of a trilogy of EPs and looks to the cosmos and our small place within the universe for inspiration. She honours the ancestors with a view to embracing the now and working mindfully towards trying to improve the future with good vibes. Piney’s deep appreciation of everything from ‘60s pop to psychedelia, classic rock to bubblegum pop shines through on songs which masterfully weave through time thematically and musically.